
XXV. xii. coming soon.

XXV. xi. coming soon.
The Dim Tick of a Libertarian Countdown Clock to an Inevitable Genocide Attempt by Stupid and Hateful Men

The macabre sounds of Oligarh bootlickers dry-humping the controls to all sorts of big killing weapons while finger-banging their own prostates over thoughts of having military and law enforcement influence.
The Autocannibalist Body Politic

As seen on television
Waiting for the Adults to Show Up

This extinction is ours and has been from birth
The Ignorant Thrive Among the Timid

Ignorance thrives among the timid, as being ignorantly timid is simultaneously celebrated and contrasted by the celebrated ignorance of the cruelly bold.
The Unmistakable Signs of Semiotics

Media, medium, and message are overamplified oligarchy karaoke. News is not information, but social, political, and economic pollution is branded and re-branded as the decisive dividing line for those miraculous contiguous polarizations of constructs. It is brutally overwhelming noise that is subjectively diminished into insultingly banal manipulations.
The Endtimes Promenade

Music for a box step, prancing pretty and preening from one hell into the next Extinction Event.
The Whirl of the Spectacle

“In a world which really is topsy-turvy, the true is a moment of the false.”
The Limitless Unrealized Potential Hustle

You need to apply yourself. Try to make more eye contact and smile; people will like you more.